Mary is a gleaming example of how the principles of Faith can be powerfully applied daily! She is an extraordinary teacher, speaker and pastor because she has been there and has overcome major life challenges. Her personality is bright, impish, perceptive and prophetic. Her unique gifting allows her to engage individuals and audiences in the moment and is a full conduit to the mind and power of Christ! I enthusiastically recommend her to you and can’t wait to hear how God will be working in your moments together!
Mark L. Wysong

CEO, BrandVO2

I’ve known Mary for many years, and her message is practical and encouraging to all. She loves people and the Word. This makes a great combination to help people see their full potential. Mary’s passion for life is evident in all she does. You’ll be motivated and inspired to become your best!

Theresa Johnson

Pastor, Faith Center Church

I’ve known and worked with Mary as she ministered for over 20 years; she’s passionate about Jesus, and loves ministering to women, moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit leads.  She lives with honesty and integrity, has a quick wit, and loves to laugh. She will bring you in, and make you feel loved by the Father.

Cindy Prince